準備食材:白菜Chinese cabbage、蘋果apple、鹽(最好是粗鹽) salt
調味:韓式辣醬(全聯買的到,英國的話中超跟泰超都有賣) Korean Chilly sauce、蒜頭(或者蒜粉) Garlic/ Garlic powder、韓式醬油Korean soy sauce、韓式魚露(泰式也可以) Korea/Thai fish sauce、糖 Sugar
- 作法 Recipe
Cut down the bottom of Chinese cabbage, then I like cut a cabbage into two part so that it won't be too big to eat.
Then you can soak them into salty water or wipe salt on every leave. After this, just put it here and wait one or two days.
Depend on how much salt you put, the purpose is make the juice out of the leaf.
After one to two days, leaf will be soft, then you can wash it, at least three times.
put your chopped apple and sauces(Korean Chilly sauce, Garlic/ Garlic powder, Korean soy sauce, Korea/Thai fish sauce、Sugar), and wear the gloves so that you can use your hand to marinade it, make sure every leave has been wiped with sauce, and put it into your fridge, you can also eat it at the first day, but has better but two to three days, the will be flavored.
結論:在拌醬料的時候可以根據個人口味調整,看是喜歡吃甜一點還是辣一點,只要韓式辣醬都可以。一顆普通的白菜(不是大白菜,就比較小的那種白菜Chinese cabbage,
我大概加個三匙辣醬、一小湯匙魚露、醬油、一大匙糖、一點點的蒜粉(因為我不喜歡蒜頭)。至於比較難買的材料應該是魚露Fish sauce吧!
在英國只要去中超、泰超幾乎都有賣,在Durham的話,Howland Shop就有賣了! 魚露之於泰國菜就等於,韓式辣醬之於所有韓式料理,所以喜歡吃的泰國菜的人還是建議買一瓶。
有了泡菜以後就可以做 泡菜煎餅、泡菜鍋、石鍋拌飯、泡菜炒飯、部隊鍋各種韓式料理了! 至於為什麼要自己做而不去超市買,第一、超市的很貴又不太好吃,吃過的人都說自己做的比較好吃。第二、白菜在英國很便宜,辣醬也沒比韓國貴多少,該有的材料都很好取得。超市進口的通常是真空包裝的那種,不像在台灣可以買到新鮮的罐裝泡菜,就算這邊是罐裝的也不太新鮮,像是那種罐頭類的居多。
You can adjust by your own taste, if you like sweeter, you can put more sugar, if you like spicier, put more chilly sauce, just that, quite simple and delicious Korean traditional food. If you are in U.K. you can buy Fish sauce in Chinese market or Thai market, even many market can find it. And if you have fish sauce, you can make most Thai food, just like Korean chilly sauce, you can use it for most Korean food.
The same idea, if you have Kimchi, you can make most Korean food like Kimchi hot pot (Kimchi Chigae), Budai Chigae, Bibimbap, and Kimchi pen cake.
Why we need to make Kimchi ourselves instead buying from market, because it's fresher and cheaper! Many people said my Kimchi is better than they bought from market. The Kimchi from market is extremely soar and some of them tasted weird. If you wan to try the traditional Korean food, just google the recipe and make it yourself.